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Lost Cities BSA196


Combining world culture, history, geography, and architecture, this visually stunning look at ancient cities around the globe takes readers to such places as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde, and the mysterious sculptures of Angkor Wat. Perfect for fans of This Is How We Do It and Atlas Obscura.

What would it be like if you lived a thousand years ago? To pass through the Hanging Gardens of Babylon on your way home? Or gaze at the stars from your cave dwelling in Mesa Verde?
On mountaintops, deserts, and the banks of rivers, ancient cities that once thrived have become lost to time. But in their ruins, we can find clues of the past and the extraordinary lives their residents lived. All it takes is a simple question: What was life like before?
Beautiful illustrations, masterfully crafted from layers of cut paper, ask readers to spend a day in the footsteps of someone from thousands of years ago.

消失的城市 走近不同的世界文明,了解它们的历史、文化、建筑



《如果你住在这里》系列第二部,延续浮雕拼贴风格,呈现细节丰富、风貌各异的古城 延续《如果你住在这里:世界各地的房子》画风,书中每幅插图都经过绘图、裁剪、着色、粘贴步骤,以手工拼贴出每一座城市,每张图片都用到了七到八层纸,赋予了画面多层次的立体感,犹如纸质浮雕。一幅幅绝美的古城画报,带来极致的视觉享受和审美体验。在感受多样艺术形式的同时,也可以照着图片和书中的制作说明亲自动手剪一剪、粘一粘,自己创造一座城市。
独特的讲述角度,带来沉浸式阅读体验,身临其境感受有趣的古城生活 每章开头,作者都以“如果你住在这里”展开讲述,迅速将孩子带入古城的日常生活中,沉浸式感受不同时空下每座城市别样的有趣生活:在马丘比丘古城里骑着羊驼回家吃晚餐,爬到巴比伦城中的塔庙上俯瞰空中花园,在梅萨维德的悬崖住宅里仰望星空,和十几个家庭一起住在热闹的木制长屋里……
走近不同的世界文明,了解它们的历史、文化、建筑,丰富孩子对世界的认知和想象 讲述失落之城的建筑结构、生活方式、文明成就、消失之谜、现存遗迹,以及背后代表的文化符号等等,带领孩子走进一场穿越时空的文明之旅。内容涵盖城市、建筑、历史、文化、地理等领域,不仅能获得满满的课外知识,更能开拓眼界,提升对文明、对世界的认知与想象。

By Giles Laroche, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Characters, 36 pages, 10.2"x11.3"
Item: Lost Cities
Our Price:US$ 29.95
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